The universe started with what most people believe to be the 'BIG BANG'. In this theory it is believed that the whole universe started off as a mere point object known as the 'SINGULARITY'. Singularity can be imagined as a condition in which all the mass is concentrated in a single point. Big bang is thought to be the starting of time. Though one cannot say whether time existed before the event but what happened before the big bang would have no effect on our present state. When the big bang occured the whole universe expanded into eternities of space, though there is nothing beyond the universe unless you believe in the hypothetical concept of 'SUPER UNIVERSE'(which we will be discussing in our next post). The universe expanded at a rate faster than the 'speed of light' which is why astronomers especially the radio astronomers are searching for radiations from the big bang coming from the far reaches of the universe. Thus we think of universe to be ever...