As promised in the previous post i would be writing about "SUPER UNIVERSES" along with a few other topics. Firstly, a super universe is a hypothetical(unprooved) concept. It says that our universe is not alone but actually it is one of the many universes that lie inside one large entity known as the "SUPER UNIVERSE". But there is no known way to prove this hypothesis as one must somehow observe the other universe. There is another theory known as the "MULTIPLE UNIVERSE" theory which states that our universe is not alone but is actually a part of a vast group of universes. One major theory is the "PARALLEL UNIVERSE" theory. According to this theory every universe(including our own) has its mirror image as another universe, the only differnce being that as our universe is made of mostly matter the other one would be mostly of antimatter. There are many more kinds of proposed models of the universe but none is certain to be the right one though some are more probable to be the right ones as compared to others. So no one be sure what type of a universe we live in and what lies beyond it(i.e if something lies beyond it and our universe is not the begining and end of time).


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