Magical number :73

Seventy three is a magical number and has so many strange properties that are rare to be found in many of the other numbers.

The digits of 73, '7' and '3' when multiplied yield 21, and 73 is the 21st prime number!!!

Also the reverse of 73 yields 37 which is the 12th prime number which is also a reverse of 21!!!

Finding out the binary form of 73 yields 1001001 which is a palindrome!!!

And that's not all 37 + 12 = 49 (seven squared) and 73 + 21 = 94 = 47*2, 47+2 also being equal to 49.

This similar phenomenon or the magical property of 73 was also mentioned in "The Big Bang Theory".
That's all for this edition of magical numbers, stay posted for more such numbers.
