Magical Numbers: 666

Also known as "The Number of the Beast".

The last book of the Bible, Revelation, brings up the number 666 as being the number of the beast connected with the end of this age and the coming of the Messiah. You will find the direct reference in Chapter 13, verse 18 of Revelation. Besides that cataclysmic reference, the number 666 has quite a few very interesting properties.

666 = 3^6 - 2^6 + 1^6

666 = 6^3 + 6^3 + 6^3 + 6 + 6 + 6

There are only five such numbers!!

666 = 2^2 + 3^2 + 5^2 + 7^2 + 11^2 + 13^2 + 17^2

666 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 567 + 89 = 123 + 456 + 78 + 9 = 9 + 87 + 6 + 543 + 21

Moreover, 666 is equal to the sum of the cubes of the digits in its square (666^2 = 443556, and the sum of the cubes of these digits is 4^3 + 4^3 + 3^3 + 5^3 + 5^3 + 6^3 = 621) plus the sum of the digits in its cube (666^3 = 295408296, and

2+9+5+4+0+8+2+9+6 = 45, and 621+45 = 666).

Incredibly, the number 666 is equal to the sum of the digits of its 47th power, and is also equal to the sum of the digits of its 51st power. That is,

666^47 = 504996968442079675317314879840556477294151629526540818811763266893654044661603306865302888989271885967029756328621959466

666^51 = 99354075759138594033426351134129598072385863746943100899712069131346071328296758253023455821491848

And the sum of the digits on the right hand side is, in both cases, 666. In fact, 666 is the only integer greater than one with this property. (Also, note that from the two powers, 47 and 51, we get (4+7)(5+1) = 66.)

Mike Keith points out that if we assign numerical values for the letters of the alphabet starting with A = 36, B = 37,.. and so on, we find that the letters in the word


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